
Россия нанесла удар по Харькову, в результате чего пострадал главный рынок города.

Россия нанесла удар по Харькову, в результате чего пострадал главный рынок города.

This was reported by Telegram "Novini.LIVE Kharkiv," referencing the head of the regional prosecutor's office, Dmitry Yatsichenko.

Shelling of Kharkiv on the evening of February 5

"At half past eleven at night, Russian military forces struck the territory of the city of Kharkiv once again. A drone has now damaged the largest market in Kharkiv, which had not yet recovered from the shelling in 2022. Many rows have been damaged, and currently, there is no information about any casualties," — stated the prosecutor's representative.

A correspondent from Novini.LIVE clarified that the enemy used the "Geran-2" strike drone for the attack. As a result of the fire, several trading rows were burned, and many pavilions were damaged.

It is worth noting that almost two hours ago, an explosion was heard again in Kharkiv, marking the second one this night. Preliminary reports indicated that it occurred in the Chervonohryhorivka district of the city.

We also reported that during the night of February 5, the Russians struck twice with drones. Specifically, impacts were recorded in the Saltivskyi and Osnovyanskyi districts of Kharkiv. In both instances, fires broke out.