
It all depends on the stage: certain heart diseases prevent mobilization.

It all depends on the stage: certain heart diseases prevent mobilization.

During the general mobilization in Ukraine, specific categories of citizens may be exempt from conscription due to health conditions. The legislation clearly outlines the list of diseases that qualify for deferment or exemption from military service.

According to the Ministry of Defense order ā„–262 dated April 27, 2024, the grounds for exemption or deferment from mobilization may include severe cardiovascular diseases. Among them:

  • heart failure of stage II-B or III in non-coronary heart diseases;
  • heart failure of stage II-B or III in ischemic heart disease;
  • hypertensive disease of stage III.

Men who have suffered a heart attack or stroke are also entitled to deferment. Additionally, exemption from conscription is provided for individuals with serious diseases of the arteries, veins, or lymph nodes if these conditions result in severe circulation disorders.

It is important to note that men with certain diseases of the nervous system are not subject to mobilization. The diagnoses that may serve as grounds for declaring a man unfit for service include:

  • inflammatory diseases of the CNS ā€” meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, intracranial and intravertebral abscesses that progress rapidly and cause significant functional impairments;
  • progressive systemic atrophies with significant functional impairments, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, all types of dystonias except for vegetative-vascular;
  • epilepsy with frequent seizures or pronounced mental disorders.

Also included are rapidly progressing diseases of the peripheral nervous system with significant functional impairments.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported on whether men with hemorrhoids are sent to the front. Individuals with rectal diseases were previously considered "limited fit."