
Negligence leads to millions in losses. A prominent lawyer explains why criminal charges should be brought against the leaders of TCK.

Negligence leads to millions in losses. A prominent lawyer explains why criminal charges should be brought against the leaders of TCK.

The system of territorial recruitment centers (TRC) and social support is responsible for the fact that the State Register of Military Personnel has not been filled for five years since the adoption of the relevant law. Therefore, the initiation of proceedings by the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) against representatives of the TRC under Article 425 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, "Negligent Attitude to Military Service," is entirely justified.

About this, "Telegraf" was informed by the well-known lawyer Rostislav Kravets. He explained why the SBI is trying to hold some TRC leaders accountable for failing to meet mobilization plans.

Read more in the publication: "Devil's Advocate" from TikTok: Rostislav Kravets on "busification," updating data, and the request to help "dodge," Part I.

– The law on the Unified State Register of Military Personnel, conscripts, and reservists was adopted in 2017. Why has nothing been filled since 2017? Is this a negligent attitude towards military service? Only at the end of 2022 and in 2023 did they start doing something with the register. At the same time, they shift the responsibility onto Ukrainian citizens, suggesting that the citizen is to blame for not updating their data. However, the TRC has access to all registers. You take any TRC, and as soon as someone in "Reserve+" has a situation where they need to clarify their data... That’s it. The head of the TRC and the entire TRC can be held accountable, – says the lawyer.

According to him, the TRC has all the necessary information and access to all registers for data clarification. Rostislav Kravets assures that lawyers can defend both the TRC representatives and the citizens.

– But one must understand what they are being held accountable for. Is it for mobilizing an individual who has a deferment, resulting in losses for the state? For example, a father of many children. He provided all the documents, a request for deferment, and they said that they did not care about his request and would mobilize him anyway. He arrives at the unit, submits a request, and after three or four months, he is discharged from the military unit based on the same documents.

During these months, the person received a salary, additional bonuses, went through training, and was fed three times a day. Who will be responsible for this? The amounts are significant: for each such person, the state has spent half a million hryvnias, or even up to a million hryvnias. Just to let the head of the TRC check a box that he mobilized someone, the state lost a million hryvnias? – says Rostislav Kravets.

Recall that earlier he explained to "Telegraf" why TRC are not punished for "busification".