
Thick fog blankets the roads of Mykolaiv region: drivers are urged to exercise caution.

Thick fog blankets the roads of Mykolaiv region: drivers are urged to exercise caution.
На дорогах Николаевщины – густой туман: водителей призвали быть осторожными

Dense fog on the roads of Mykolaiv region: drivers are urged to exercise caution

Today, thick fog is observed on the roads of the Mykolaiv region, significantly reducing visibility.

The Mykolaiv police reports this.

Drivers are advised to reduce their speed, maintain a safe distance, and turn on fog lights—both rear and front if available in the vehicle’s design.

Particular attention is recommended for forced stops: in such cases, it is essential to activate the hazard lights to prevent accidents.

Pedestrians are also advised to take care of their safety. It is recommended to use flashlights on gadgets or wear clothing with reflective elements to be more visible to drivers.

In the event of difficult situations on the road, it is crucial to seek assistance immediately by calling the special line 102.